Monday, August 24, 2009

A Tribute To Nancy:

Have you noticed; the days are getting shorter. Labor Day is just around the corner. For me, these two facts really signal the end of summer; and that means the end of the baseball season. This year, I’m hoping the Chicago White Sox can win it all! My new loyalty to the Chicago White Sox is not motivated by a specific ball player; but rather, by their organist Nancy Faust. Since I am a musician, I probably pay more attention to the organ music in various ball parks than would the average fan.

In a recent conversation, Nancy shared some of the history of organ music as it relates to the Chicago White Sox. When organ music was introduced, the organ was in the center field bleachers, and the fans could chat with the organist quite easily. It was moved several times before reaching its present location behind home plate. In one of its locations, Nancy was hidden back in an obscure corner of the park. The fans were so anxious to see and chat with Nancy while she played, they initiated a petition requesting the owner to move her back into view. The owner, Bill Veeck, relented and, once again, Nancy was seen as well as heard. This is a great example of Nancy’s popularity with the fans. Besides her musicianship, one of Nancy’s many gifts is her ability to relate so well with the fans. I can sum it up with just one sentence: The fans just love Nancy!

With this season, Nancy concludes her 40th year as organist for the Chicago White Sox. This fact indicates just how long this love affair has been going on between the fans and Nancy.

It is my hope that this White Sox team will bring one more world series ring for Nancy to wear. She really deserves it. Here’s hoping that Nancy Faust will continue to entertain the people in Chicago and beyond for many years to come.


Blogger mnkate said...

This was interesting. Not being a baseball fan, I never really paid attention to what the Twins have for music. With the new stadium coming soon, I'll have to check it out.

5:07 AM  
Blogger nancy jenkins said...

Rollie, Your certainly do know how to make a person feel special. Thank your for your kind words which I will always cherish. Warm regards always, Nancy

1:41 PM  

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