Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dinner Is Served!

Years ago, when the composition of our nation was quite rural, most folks spoke of the meal at noon as dinner, and the meal in the evening as supper. The nature of our work was far more physical for most people in those days, so I believe a larger amount of food was consumed at both dinner and supper.

When my bride and I were married, forty-three short years ago, the nature of our jobs dictated that we eat our big meal at noon. We have maintained that schedule ever since, and we like it that way. It’s especially nice in the summer, as our kitchen isn’t heated up late in the afternoon when our temperatures are at their highest. Another advantage to this schedule is that when we go out to eat, chances are that we’ll enjoy lunch instead of dinner. We get an adequate amount of food for less money, and the contentment of that fact makes the food taste even better. Actually, we eat around 11:30 A.M. This can vary up to ten minutes either way. This shows just how flexible we are; but I digress.

Finally, I like the fact that I have sufficient time to burn off calories from a bigger meal before I have to think of retiring for the day. If you agree with all this, I’ll ask the question the beautiful people in Hollywood ask: “Let’s do lunch real soon! Okay?”


Blogger JollyRollie said...

BudPundit: This is most unusual; your clever comment left me speechless. My feelings can be summed up with this story:

Two cows were standing by the fence watching the traffic go by. They saw a dairy truck come down the road; on the truck was this sign: Drink the milk from farmer Jones dairy! Pasteurized, homogenized with vitamins and minerals added! One cow turned to the other and said, “It makes you feel inadequate, doesn’t it?

8:37 PM  
Blogger JollyRollie said...

Olive3: You are much too modest. I have eaten your cooking and it's quite tasty!

3:59 PM  

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