JollyRollie's Blog

Monday, January 30, 2006

Good-bye Football!

Yesterday, after twenty-one Sundays of football, I encountered my first Sunday without football during this winter season. I enjoy football and look forward to each week’s games; but I must admit, I survived beautifully. I do not seek or deserve commendation for this, but merely state the fact to make a point.

Some years ago, during one of the many work stoppages when the greedy owners and the equally greedy players couldn’t decide how to share the financial pie, I listened to sports talk shows on the radio. I was amazed at the number of people who couldn’t seem to get along emotionally without their games. I couldn’t sympathize with this pathetic group; in fact, I found it refreshing to find other activities to enjoy. I wanted to suggest to this group a trip to the local library. One could spend a lifetime enjoying the books and recordings there; or, how about a trip to a museum. Again, there is much to learn and enjoy. I would tell this group that although I follow baseball and football avidly, I think our values are out of kilter regarding the financial rewards for these games. There is no simple answer; certainly that answer won’t come from government. It will come from each of us. (me included) We will have to recognize student and teacher achievements as well as the long pass that scores the winning touch down.

Having said all this, I wonder who will win the Super Bowl on Sunday?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I give you my word!

I hope you like this story as I did. Two history students were curious to know whether the story was true about General George Washington throwing a silver dollar across the Delaware. They decided to reenact that famous moment. One of the boys threw a silver dollar as far as he could; unfortunately, it didn’t land on the other side of the river. In fact, it only made it about half way before sinking into the water. Of course, the moral of the story is: a dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to.

In reality, another thing has diminished in value. I speak of the promises we make to one another. I’m disappointed when athletes sign contract then become dissatisfied and want more money. On the other side of the coin, business sometimes cuts corners in dealing with their workers. As our world becomes more challenging, we have to work together to assure the next generation the same standard of life we have enjoyed. Government, business and labor will have to work together to make this wish a reality.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Lesson in Economics:

The postal service announced that beginning Sunday, January 8, it will cost 39 cents to send first class mail. Meanwhile, during the past year, we have been receiving mail later and later during the evening.

I can recall when we could send first class mail for three cents. This fact caused me to compare our mail service with the phone service. There was a time when a three minute call from Denver to New York City was twelve dollars. Now, we make that call for less than twelve cents. What’s the difference between these two services? The mail is delivered by a government agency, while the phone is operated by industry. Competition has lowered the price for phone service. Perhaps we need that same competition with our mail delivery.

The moral of the story is: If a man approaches you and says, “Hi, I’m from the government; I’m here to help you.” Run, don’t walk, in the opposite direction!