A Great Idea!
The modest title of this entry really doesn’t do it justice. I wish I could take credit for this great concept, but I fear that it has been around far longer than I have; and that’s a long time! It’s an idea I read about as a youth, but really didn’t take the time to investigate its validity. Presidents, heads of state and captains of industry have used it. Of course, I speak of the highly valued power nap. Let’s not confuse this valuable tool with those who would just sleep their lives away. The power nap is short and strategic. I have read that shortly after lunch is a good time to utilize this tool. Find a comfortable position, be sure the room is warm. Soft music is optional. Do not allow this recess to last longer than thirty or forty minutes. You will return to work refreshed and energized with the ability to work far in to the night as I am doing right now. Try it! You’ll be a new person! … You are welcome.